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Discover the expert services provided by the team at Dealey Environmental

Thursday 8th August 2024

Dealey Environmental are the industry expert in pest and bird control, with over 60 years of experience and a reputation for excellence in customer service and innovative solutions. Our dream team of pest geeks provide various services, so whether blighted by ants or fed up with aggressive seagulls, we have the solution for you.


Bird Control

Bird Control aims to manage bird populations humanely and sustainably to discourage nesting and growth of bird populations in unwanted areas. As with all pest control, there are laws to follow, and all our methods are legal and bespoke to the environment and needs.

Bird Proofing – this may be different types of netting or spikes to prevent birds from roosting and settling in a specific area.

Falconry – this introduces a natural predator into the area to generate a fear response from the unwanted birds encouraging them to leave the area, and more importantly not to nest in yourlocation therefore minimising the bird population in that specific location. This can be used for commercial buildings and business estates, airports, agricultural areas and landfill sites.

Bird Deterrents – this can be visual or audio, or sometimes both, and creates an intimidating environment to stop birds from landing, roosting or nesting. The effectiveness and ideal solution will be influenced by the time of year, and the breed of bird to be deterred.

Bird Scaring Lasers – the laser uses a specific wavelength and light that can be seen by birds from a distance to create a threat and deter them from the area.

Gull Population Control – it’s one thing having your chips nicked on the beach but another when your office is plagued by noisy, aggressive gulls. It doesn’t take long for them to cause a health and safety risk, and be a nuisance. Under a license, and with a qualified professional, the most effective solution is to remove nests.

Bird Rescue – if you are unfortunate enough to have birds in your building, we can use mist netting to capture any trapped birds and release them. We can then advise on how to avoid the issue arising again.

Bird Guano Decontamination and Gutter Cleaning / Clearing - maintaining a clean, and safe environment will not only ensure you are following legal requirements but will put birds off nesting and breeding in the area. We can install gutter guarding to prevent birds from nesting,and blockages from occurring, as well as undertake specialist guano decontamination and clearing.


Pest Control

We are a team of pest control geeks. There is no doubt. We love it. We love learning new methods, creating bespoke solutions and finding out what new ways pests are challenging us. What we love most is when we put ourselves out of work by eradicating a pest issue for one of our clients.

Food Production

Whatever the sector we can help. We understand each environment is unique and needs a unique approach. We visit your site and take our time to inspect, assess and create the ideal solution for your environment and pest. We hold all the main accreditations across the sectors and can perform audits to maintain standards and minimise the risk of infestation.



The definition we use to explain this service is - fumigation is the measured process of application, exposure and dissipation of a toxic chemical in its gaseous state with the purpose of controlling the target pests in a product or enclosure.

It is a highly specialised service and should only ever be undertaken by qualified and licensed professionals due to the toxic nature of the gasses used. We perform this service throughout the country in various environments including:

Grain Stores

Dealey is the only UK-licensed Pest Control company for Blue Fume.



Whilst excellent cleaning won’t always be enough to deter pests, it’s a very good start! We take the same approach with our cleaning as we do all our services – professionally and to the highest standard.


Check out our website for more details, or better still give us a call. We provide bespoke solutions to ensure we crack your problem effectively and efficiently. Pests and birds can be tricky and the specific solution will depend on your environment and your needs. Call the team on 01359 269713 as we would love to help.

Contact us for a free consultation
01359 269713